विदेशी गोवंश अथार्थ वह गाय की प्रजाति जो भारत से बाहर की हो उस गोवंश का दूध-घी अनेक असाध्य रोग पैदा करता हैं, उसका गोबर व गौमूत्र विषमुक्त कैसे हो सकता हैं? हमारी जानकारी के अनुसार जिन खेतों में इनकी गोबर खाद डलेगी, उनमे खेती होने के उपरांत उपज बहुत घट जायेगी, उन खेतों में उपज उससे अधिक होगी जिनमे इनके गोबर की खाद नहीं पड़ी। इस प्रकार की जैविक खेती का वर्णन अधोलिखित है |
कुछ अनुभव, कुछ सरल प्रयोग
- गाय का गोबर हाथों पर साबुन की तरह लगाकर हाथ धोंये। यदि हाथ चिकने, मुलायम हो जाए तो उस गाय-बैल में ‘ए१’ विष नहीं हैं या कम हैं। पर यदि हाथ खुश्क हो जाए (चिकने न हो) तो वह पूरी तरह विषाक्त हैं। गजरौला के निकट एक गाँव के किसानो ने इस गाय को ‘पूतना’ नाम दिया हैं। वहीं जो श्री कृष्ण को जहरीला स्तनपान करवाने गई थी।
- जिस खेत में विदेशी गोवंश को घुमा देंगे उसकी फसल मर जायेगी या बहुत ही कम होगी। ‘एचऍफ़’ और ‘होलिस्टिन’ में यह विष अधिक हैं। बुवाई से पहले घुमाने पर भी यही दुष्प्रभाव होगा। जिस खेत में स्वदेशी गाय-बैल को घुमा देंगे, उसकी फसल १०-२० प्रतिशत बढ़ जाएगी।
- अनेक किसानों का अनुभव हैं कि हमारा स्वदेशी केंचुआ विदेशी गायों के गोबर में नहीं टिकता, भाग जाता हैं। वह स्वदेशी गायों के गोबर में बड़े आराम से पलता, बढ़ता रहता हैं। यानी केंचुआ भी विदेशी गोवंश के गोबर की विषाक्तता को पहचानता हैं। पर हमारे वैज्ञानिक?
कुलपति पर प्रभाव
‘गवाक्ष भारती’ में एक लेख इसी विषय पर छपा था जिसका शीर्षक था ‘समझदार केंचुए – न समझे वैज्ञानिक’। औद्यानिकी विश्विद्यालय – नौणी (सोलन) के कुलपति उस लेख को पढ़कर बड़े प्रसन्न व प्रभावित हुए कि उन्होंने गवाक्ष भारती का सदस्य बनाने की इच्छा प्रकट की। तभी से वे इस पत्रिका के संरक्षक हैं।
विदेशी केंचुआ विषाक्त?
स्मरणीय हैं कि विदेशी केंचुआ ‘एसीना फोएटीडा’ विदेशी गोवंश के विषैले गोबर में बड़े आराम से रहता हैं। इससे संदेह होता हैं कि उस केंचुए द्वारा बनी गोबर खाद और भी हानिकारक हो सकती हैं। विदेशी केचुए और उससे बनी खाद को सरकार व विदेशी एजेंसियों द्वारा बढ़ावा देने से संदेह को और अधिक बल मिलता हैं।
अपनी खाद, अपना केंचुआ
अतः सुझाव हैं कि खाद के लिए स्वदेशी गोवंश के गोबर पर थोडा गौमूत्र व देसी गुड़ घोलकर छिड़काव करें, भरपूर स्वदेशी केंचुए पैदा होंगे। खाद बनने पर इसे छानना जरुरी नहीं हैं। इसी गोबर खाद की एक दो टोकरी नई खाद बनाते समय डालें, गुड़ का घोल अल्प मात्रा में डालें, केंचुए पैदा हो जाते हैं। इस प्रकार की जैविक खेती ही सर्वश्रेष्ठ उपज प्रदान करती है | इसीलिए कहा जाता है अपनी खाद, अपना केंचुआ |
अनुपम हैं अपने गौ पंचगव्य उत्पाद
इसके अलावा गोवंश के घी, दूध, गोबर, गौमूत्र से अधरंग, उच्च रक्तचाप, माईग्रेन, स्त्रियों का प्रदर रोग, लीवर व किडनी फेलियर, हृदय रोग सरलता से ठीक होते हैं। इन पर विवरण अगले अंकों में देने का प्रयास रहेगा। पर इतना सुनिश्चित हैं कि विदेशी गोवंश और हाईब्रिड व जी.एम. बीजों के रहते जैविक खेती असंभव हैं। इतना ही नहीं, किसान की समृद्धी व सुख भी स्थाई नहीं हो सकते।
विदेशी गोवंश का समाधान
समाधान सरल हैं। जिस प्रकार विदेशी सांडों के वीर्य से कृत्रिम गर्भधारण करके हमने अपने गोवंश को बिगाड़ा हैं। उसी प्रकार अब अपनी इन गऊओं को स्वदेशी नस्ल से गर्भाधान करवाएं। यदि स्वदेशी बैल न मिलें तो पाशुपालन विभाग के सहयोग से साहिवाल, रेड सिन्धी के वीर्य का टिका लगवाए।
इस प्रक्रिया से केवल एक पीढ़ी में काफी हद तक वंश सुधार हो जायेगा। तीसरी पीढ़ी में तो लगभग पूरी तरह गोवंश स्वदेशी बनाना संभव हैं। अतः समस्या बड़ी तो हैं पर समाधान भी सरल हैं।
पंचायत प्रधान व प्रभावी लोगों के सहयोग से सरकार को प्रेरित किया जा सकता हैं कि वह स्वदेशी साड़ों या उनके वीर्य की (या दोनों की) व्यवस्था करें। कठिनाई होने पर गवाक्ष भारती कार्यालय से संपर्क करे, आशा हैं समाधान मिलेगा।
सोने से भरपूर पंचगव्य
अनेक मूल्य तत्वों के आलावा गाय के दूध, घी व मूत्र में स्वर्ण अंश भी पाए जाते हैं। आयुर्वेद के इलावा अब तो आधुनिक विज्ञान भी मनाता है कि स्वर्ण से हमारी जीवनी शक्ति, बल ओज बहुत बढ़ जाते हैं।
विदेशी/ स्वदेशी ‘नैनो गोल्ड व एच डी एल’
‘जनरल ऑफ़ अमेरिकन क्रैमिकल्ज’ में छपी एक खर के अनुसार उन्होंने स्वर्ण के नैनो कणों से ‘एच. डी. एल.’ बनाया है। नार्थ वैस्ट विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा बनाये इस ‘एच. डी. एल.’ के बारे मे दावा किया गया हैं कि इसके प्रयोग से हानिकारक ‘एल. डी. एल.’ का स्तर कम होगा और तले, भुने पदार्थ रोगी खूब खा सकेंगे।
पर हम भारतीयों को अमेरिकियों के बनाये ‘एच. डी. एल.’ की क्या जरूरत हैं, हमारे पास स्वर्ण युक्त पंचगव्य वाली स्वदेशी गाय जो है। है न? नहीं है तो व्यवस्था करनी होगी, अपने घर पर संभव नहीं तो किसी किसान के पास, ताकि उसके उत्पाद हमें मिल सके। याद रहे के इसके घी से कभी कोलेस्ट्रोल नहीं बढ़ता अर्थात यह हृदय के लिए लाभदायक है। जितना हो सके लोगो को स्वदेशी गाय के गोभर, गोमूत्र से ही जैविक खेती करने को प्रेरित करे |
हमारे शास्त्रों के अनुसार हमारी गाय की पीठ में ‘सूर्य केतु’ नाम की नाडी है जो सूर्य के प्रकाश में स्वर्ण का निर्माण करती है, जिससे इसका दूध, घी अमूल्य गुणों से भरपूर हो जाता हैं।
स्वदेशी–विदेशी गोवंश की पहचान
न्यूज़ीलैंड में विषयुक्त और विषरहित (ए१ और ए२) गाय की पहचान उसकी पूंछ के बाल की डी.न.ए. जाँच से हो जाती है। इसके लिए एक २२ डॉलर की किट बनाई गई थी। भारत में ऐसी कोई व्यवस्था नहीं हैं। केंद्र सरकार के शोध संस्थानों में यह जांच होती हैं पर किसानो को तो यह सेवा उपलब्द ही नहीं है। वास्तव में हमें इस जांच की जरुरत भी नहीं है। हम अपने देसी तरीकों से यह जांच सरलता से कर सकते हैं।
ऐसी हैं अपनी गौ
हमारी गाय की,
- पीठ गोलाकार-ढलानदार (पूँछ की और)
- झालरदार गलकंबल
- थूथ
- बड़े कान
- सुन्दर आँखे
- बाल छोटे-मोटे
- खाल चमकीली
- मख्खी-मच्छर उड़ने के लिए वह अपनी खाल को सरलता से प्रकम्पित कर लेती हैं
- गोबर बन्धा
- धारीदार
- उसके आसपास दुर्गन्ध नहीं होती
- मख्खियां अपेक्षाकृत काफी कम होती है।
सुक्ष्म दर्शी से देखने पर प्रति वर्ग से.मी. १५०० से १६०० छिद्र पाए जाते हैं जिससे शारीर में वाष्पिकरण सहज होता है। यह काफी अधिक गर्मी-सर्दी सह सकती है। रोग निरोधक शक्ति प्रबल है। अतः रोग तथा मृत्युदर कम है।
विदेशी गोवंश ऐसा हैं
इसके विपरीत विदेशी गोवंश के,
- गलकंबल व थूथ (चुहड़) नहीं होती। (कुछ स्वदेशी गोवंश भी बिना थूथ या बहुत छोटी थूथ वाला है।)
- बाल लम्बे व बारीक
- खल चमक रहित व दुर्गान्धित
- खाल प्रकम्पन नहीं कर सकती
- गोबर भैंस जैसा ढीला व रेखा रहित
- आसपास दुर्गन्ध व बहुत मख्खियां होती हैं
- आंखें भी सुन्दर नहीं
- अधिकांश के माथे के मध्य में सींग जैसी हड्डी भी उभरी रहती है, मानो राक्षस हो। कथा-कहानियों में राक्षसों के माथे पर सींग दिखाया जाता है।
- पीठ सीधी व पूंछ की तरफ नोकदार हड्डियां पीछे की और निकली रहती हैं। पीठ जीतनी सीधी और पूंछ की ओर नोकदार भाग जितना अधिक उभरा हो, वह गौ उतनी विषाक्त होगी। अधिक विषयुक्त गाय की आंखें भी बहार को उभरी व डरावनी होंगी।
भारत में मिली–जुली नस्ले बढ़ती जा रही हैं। अतः कई गऊए मिले–जुले लक्षणों की होंगी। जिसमें जैसे लक्षण जितने अधिक होंगे, वह इतनी लाभदायक या हानिकारक होंगी।
डरावनी आंखें, माथे पर उभरी हुई हड्डी, बाल लम्बे व पीठ सीधी व नोकीले पिछाडे़ वाले लक्षणों की गाय बहुत हानिकारण मानी जानी चाहिए। इनके संपर्क, इसकी आवाज (रम्भा ने) मात्र से अनेक शारीरिक व मानसिक रोग संभव हैं।
इस प्रकार हम सरलता से देशी-विदेशी, अच्छी-बुरी गोवंश की पहचान कर सकते हैं और उनके वंश सुधर के प्रयास कर सकते हैं। विशेष ध्यान रहे कि अपनी गऊओं के सिंग कभी काटने की भूल न करें। ये एक एण्टीना की तरह काम करते हैं और चन्द्रमा तथा दिव्य अन्तरिक्षीय उर्जा को ग्रहण करने में सहायता करते हैं।
-राज विशारद
मथुरा के ‘पशु चिकित्सा विश्वविद्यालय एवं गौ अनुसंधन संस्थान’ में नेशनल ब्यूरो आफ जैनेटिक रिसोर्सिज़, करनाल (नेशनल क्रांऊसिल आफ एग्रीकल्चर रिसर्च-भारत सरकार) के वरिष्ठ वैज्ञानिक डा. देवेन्द्र सदाना द्वारा एक प्रस्तुति 4 सितम्बर को दी गई।
मथुरा विश्वविद्यालय के वैज्ञानिकों के सामने दी गई प्रस्तुति में डा. सदाना ने जानकारी दी किः
अधिकांश विदेशी गोवंश (हॅालस्टीन, जर्सी, एच एफ आदि) के दूध में ‘बीटा कैसीन ए1’ नामक प्रोटीन पाया जाता है जिससे अनेक असाध्य रोग पैदा होते हैं। पांच रोग होने के स्पष्ट प्रमाण वैज्ञानिकों को मिल चुके हैं –
- इस्चीमिया हार्ट ड़िजीज (रक्तवाहिका नाड़ियों का अवरुद्ध होना)।
- मधुमेह-मिलाईटिस या डायबिट़िज टाईप-1 (पैंक्रिया का खराब होना जिसमें इन्सूलीन बनना बन्द हो जाता है।)
- आटिज़्म (मानसिक रूप से विकलांग बच्चों का जन्म होना)।
- शिजोफ्रेनिया (स्नायु कोषों का नष्ट होना तथा अन्य मानसिक रोग)।
- सडन इनफैण्ट डैथ सिंड्रोम (बच्चे किसी ज्ञात कारण के बिना अचानक मरने लगते हैं)।
टिप्पणीः विचारणीय यह है कि हानिकारक ए1 प्रोटीन के कारण यदि उपरोक्त पांच असाध्य रोग होते हैं तो और उनेक रोग भी तो होते होंगे। यदि इस दूध के कारण मनुष्य का सुरक्षा तंत्र नष्ट हो जाता है तो फिर न जाने कितने ही और रोग भी हो रहे होंगे, जिन पर अभी खोज नहीं हुई।
दूध की संरचना
आमतौर पर दूघ में,
83 से 87 प्रतिशत तक पानी
3.5 से 6 प्रतिशत तक वसा (फैट)
4.8 से 5.2 प्रतिशत तक कार्बोहाइड्रेड
3.1 से 3.9 प्रतिशत तक प्रोटीन होती है। इस प्रकार कुल ठोस पदार्थ 12 से 15 प्रतिशत तक होता है। लैक्टोज़ 4.7 से 5.1 प्रतिशत तक है। शेष तत्व अम्ल, एन्जाईम विटामिन आदि 0.6 से 0.7 प्रतिशत तक होते है।
गाय के दूध में पाए जाने वाले प्रोटीन 2 प्रकार के हैं। एक ‘केसीन’ और दूसरा है ‘व्हे’ प्रोटीन। दूध में केसीन प्रोटीन 4 प्रकार का मिला हैः
अल्फा एस1 (39 से 46 प्रतिशत)
एल्फा एस2 (8 से 11 प्रतिशत)
बीटा कैसीन (25 से 35 प्रतिशत)
कापा केसीन (8 से 15 प्रतिशत)
गाय के दूध में पाए गए प्रोटीन में लगभग एक तिहाई ‘बीटा कैसीन’ नामक प्रोटीन है। अलग-अलग प्रकार की गऊओं में अनुवांशिकता (जैनेटिक कोड) के आधार पर ‘केसीन प्रोटीन’ अलग-अलग प्रकार का होता है जो दूध की संरचना को प्रभावित करता है, या यूं कहे कि उसमें गुणात्मक परिवर्तन करता है। उपभोक्ता पर उसके अलग-अलग प्रभाव हो सकते हैं।
बीटा कैसीन ए1, ए2 में अन्तर क्या है?
बीटा कैसीन के 12 प्रकार ज्ञात हैं जिनमें ए1 और ए2 प्रमुख हैं। ए2 की एमिनो एसिड़ श्रृंखला (कड़ी) में 67 वें स्थान पर ‘प्रोलीन’ होता है। जबकि ए1 प्रकार में यह ‘प्रोलीन’ के स्थान पर विषाक्त ‘हिस्टिडीन’ है। ए1 में यह कड़ी कमजोर होती है तथा पाचन के समय टूट जाती है और विषाक्त प्रोटीन ‘बीटा कैसोमार्फीन 7’ बनाती है।
विदेशी गोवंस विषाक्त क्यों है?
जैसा कि शुरू में बतलाया गया है कि विदेशी गोवंश में अधिकांश गऊओं के दूध में ‘बीटा कैसीन ए1’ नामक प्रोटीन पाया गया है। हम जब इस दूध को पीते हैं और इसमें शरीर के पाचक रस मिलते हैं व इसका पाचन शुरू होता है, तब इस दूध के ए1 नामक प्रोटीन की 67वीं कमजोर कड़ी टूटकर अलग हो जाती है और इसके ‘हिस्टिाडीन’ से ‘बी.सी.एम. 7’ (बीटा कैसो माफिन 7) का निर्माण होता है। सात सड़ियों वाला यह विषाक्त प्रोटीन ‘बी.सी.एम 7’ पूर्वोक्त सारे रोगों को पैदा करता है। शरीर के सुरक्षा तंत्र को नष्ट करके अनेक असाध्य रोगों का कारण बनता है।
भारतीय गोवंस विशेष क्यों
करनाल स्थित भारत सरकार के करनाल स्थित ब्यूरो के द्वारा किए गए शोध के अनुसार भारत की 98 प्रतिशत नस्लें ए2 प्रकार के प्रोटीन वाली अर्थात् विष रहित हैं। इसके दूध की प्रोटीन की एमीनो एसिड़ चेन (बीटा कैसीन ए2) में 67वें स्थान पर ‘प्रोलीन’ है और यह अपने साथ की 66वीं कड़ी के साथ मजबूती के साथ जुड़ी रहती है तथा पाचन के समय टूटती नहीं। 66वीं कड़ी में ऐमीनो ऐसिड ‘आइसोल्यूसीन’ होता है। वैज्ञानिकों का अनुमान है कि भारत की 2 प्रतिशत नस्लों में ए1 नामक एलिल (विषैला प्रोटीन) विदेशी गोवंश के साथ हुए ‘म्यूटेशन के कारण’ आया हो सकता है।
एन.बी.ए.जी.आर. – करनाल द्वारा भारत की 25 नस्लों की गऊओं के 900 सैंम्पल लिए गए थे। उनमें से 97-98 प्रतिशत ए2ए2 पाए गए गथा एक भी ए1ए1 नहीं निकला। कुछ सैंम्पल ए1ए2 थे जिसका कारण विदेशी गोवंस का सम्पर्क होने की सम्भावना प्रकट की जा रही है।
गुण सूत्र
गुण सूत्र जोड़ों में होते हैं, अतः स्वदेशी-विदेशी गोवंश की डी.एन.ए. जांच करने पर
‘ए1, ए2’
‘ए1, ए2’
‘ए2, ए2’
के रूप में गुण सूत्रों की पहचान होती है। स्पष्ट है कि विदेशी गोवंश ‘ए1ए1’ गुणसूत्र वाला तथा भारतीय ‘ए2, ए2’ है।
केवल दूध के प्रोटीन के आधार पर ही भारतीय गोवंश की श्रेष्ठता बतलाना अपर्याप्त होगा। क्योंकि बकरी, भैंस, ऊँटनी आदि सभी प्राणियों का दूध विष रहित ए2 प्रकार का है। भारतीय गोवंश में इसके अतिरिक्त भी अनेक गुण पाए गए हैं। भैंस के दूध के ग्लोब्यूल अपेक्षाकृत अधिक बड़े होते हैं तथा मस्तिष्क पर बुरा प्रभाव करने वाले हैं। आयुर्वेद के ग्रन्थों के अनुसार भी भैंस का दूध मस्तिष्क के लिए अच्छा नहीं, वातकारक (गठिाया जैसे रोग पैदा करने वाला), गरिष्ठ व कब्जकारक है। जबकि गो दूग्ध बुद्धि, आयु व स्वास्थ्य, सौंदर्य वर्धक बतलाया गया है।
भारतीय गोवंस अनेक गुणों वाला है
1. बुद्धिवर्धकः खोजों के अनुसार भारतीय गऊओं के दूध में ‘सैरिब्रोसाईट’ नामक तत्व पाया गया है जो मस्तिष्क के ‘सैरिब्रम को स्वस्थ-सबल बनाता है। यह स्नायु कोषों को बल देने वाला, बुद्धि वर्धक है।
2. गाय के दूध से फुर्तीः जन्म लेने पर गाय का पछड़ा जल्दी ही चलने लगता है जबकि भैंस का पाडा रेंगता है। स्पष्ट है कि गाय एवं उसके दूध में भैंस की अपेक्षा अधिक फुर्ती होती है।
3. आँखों की ज्योति, कद और बल को बढ़ाने वालाः भारतीय गौ की आँत 180 फुट लम्बी होती है। गाय के दूध में केरोटीन नामक एक ऐसा उपयोगी एवं बलशाली पदार्थ मिलता है जो भैंस के दूस से कहीं अधिक प्रभावशाली होता है। बच्चों की लम्बाई और सभी के बल को बढ़ाने के लिए यह अत्यन्त उपयोगी होता है। आँखों की ज्योति को बढ़ाने के लिए यह अत्यन्त उपयोगी है। यह कैंसर रोधक भी है।
4. असाध्य बिमारीयों की समाप्तिः गाय के दूध में स्टोनटियन नामक ऐसा पदार्थ भी होता है जो विकिर्ण (रेडियेशन) प्रतिरोधक होता है। यह असाध्य बिमारियों को शरीर पर आक्रमण करने से रोकने का कार्य भी करता है। रोगाणुओं से लड़ने की क्षमता को बढ़ाता है जिससे रोग का प्रभाव क्षीण हो जाता है।
5. रामबाण है गाय का दूध – ओमेगा 3 से भरपूरः वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान के बाद यह सिद्ध हो चुका है कि फैटी एसिड ओमेगा 3 (यह एक ऐसा पौष्टिकतावर्धक तत्व है, जो सभी रोगों की समाप्ति के लिए रामबाण है) केवल गो माता के दूध में सबसे अधिक मात्रा में पाया जाता है। आहार में ओमेगा 3 से डी. एच. तत्व बढ़ता है। इसी तत्व से मानव-मस्तिष्क और आँखों की ज्योति बढ़ती है। डी. एच. में दो तत्व ओमेगा 3 और ओमेगा 6 बताये जाते हैं। मस्तिष्क का संतुलन इसी तत्व से बनता है। आज विदेशी वैज्ञानिक इसके कैप्सूल बनाकर दवा के रूप में इसे बेचकर अरबो-खरबो रुपये का व्यापार कर रहे हैं।
6. विटामिन से भरपूर-माँ के दूध के समकक्षः प्रो. एन. एन. गोडकेले के अनुसार गाय के दूध में अल्बुमिनाइड, वसा, क्षार, लवण तथा कार्बोहाइड्रेड तो हैं ही साथ ही समस्त विटामिन भी उपलब्ध हैं। यह भी पाया गया कि देशी गाय के दूध में 8 प्रतिशत प्रोटीन, 0.7 प्रतिशत खनिज व विटामिन ए, बी, सी, डी व ई प्रचुर मात्रा में विद्यमान हैं, जो गर्भवती महिलाओं व बच्चों के लिए अत्यन्त उपयोगी होते हैं।
7. कॅालेस्ट्राल से मुक्तिः वैज्ञानिकों के अनुसार कि गाय के दूध से कोलेस्ट्रोल नहीं बढ़ता। हृदय रोगियों के लिए यह बहुत उपयोगी माना गया है। फलस्वरूप मोटापा भी नहीं बढ़ता है। गाय का दूध व्यक्ति को छरहरा (स्लिम) एवं चुस्त भी रखता है।
8. टी.बी. और कैंसर की समाप्तिः क्षय (टी.बी) रोगी को यदि गाय के दूध में शतावरी मिलाकर दी जाये तो टी.बी. रोग समाप्त हो जाता है। एसमें एच.डी.जी.आई. प्रोटीन होने से रक्त की शिराओं में कैंसर प्रवेश नहीं कर सकता। पंचगव्य आधारित 80 बिस्तर वाला कैंसर हॅास्पिटल गिरी विहार, संकुल नेशनल हाईवे नं. 8, नवसारी रोड़, वागलधारा, जि. बलसाड़, गुजरात में है। यहा तीसरी स्टेज के कैंसर के रोगियों का इलाज हो ता पर अब उनकी सफलता किन्ही कारणों से पहले जैसी नहीं रही है।
9. इन्टरनेशनल कार्डियोलॅाजी के अध्यक्ष डा. शान्तिलाल शाह ने कहा है कि भैंस के दूध में लाँगचेन फेट होता है जो नसों में जम जाता है। फलस्वरूप हार्टअटैक की सम्भावना अधिक हो जाती ही। इसलिए हृदय रोगियों के लिए गाय का दूध ही सर्वोत्तम है। भैंस के दूध के ग्लोब्यूल्ज़ भी आकार में अधिक बड़े होते हैं तथा स्नायु कोषों के लिए हानिकारक हैं।
10. बी-12 विटामिनः बी-12 भारतीय गाय की बड़ी आंतों में अत्यधिक पाया जाता है, जो व्यक्ति को निरोगी एवं दीर्घायु बनाता है। इससे बच्चों एवं बड़ों को शारीरिक विकास में बढ़ोतरी तो होती ही है साथ ही खून की कमी जैसी बिमारियां (एनीमिया) भी ठीक हो जाती है।
11. गाय के दूध में दस गुणः
चरक संहिता (सूत्र 27/217) में गाय के दूध में दस गुणों का वर्णन है-
स्वादु, शीत, मृदु, स्निग्धं बहलं श्लक्ष्णपिच्छिलम्।
गुरु मंदं प्रसन्नं च गल्यं दशगुणं पय॥
अर्थात्- गाय का दूध स्वादिष्ट, शीतल, कोमल, चिकना, गाढ़ा, श्लक्ष्ण, लसदार, भारी और बाहरी प्रभाव को विलम्ब से ग्रहरण करने वाला तथा मन को प्रसन्न करने वाला होता है।
12. केवल भारतीय देसी नस्ल की गाय का दूध ही पौष्टिकः करनाल के नेशनल ब्यूरो आफ एनिमल जैनिटिक रिसोर्सेज (एन.बी.ए.जी.आर.) संस्था ने अध्ययन कर पाया कि भारतीय गायों में प्रचुर मात्रा में ए2 एलील जीन पाया जाता हैं, जो उन्हें स्वास्थ्यवर्धक दूध उप्तन्न करने में मदद करता है। भारतीय नस्लों में इस जीन की फ्रिक्वेंसी 100 प्रतिशत तक पाई जाती है।
13. कोलेस्ट्रम (खीस) में है जीवनी शक्तिः प्रसव के बाद गाय के दूध में ऐसे तत्व होते हैं जो अत्यन्त मूल्यवान, स्वास्थ्यवर्धक हैं। इसलिए इसे सूखाकर व इसके कैप्सूल बनाकर, असाध्य रोगों की चिकित्सा के लिए इसे बेचा जा रहा है। यही कारण है कि जन्म के बाद बछड़े, बछिया को यह दूध अवश्य पिलाना चाहिए। इससे उसकी जीवनी शक्ति आजीवन बनी रहती है। इसके अलावा गौ उत्पादों में कैंसर रोधी तत्व एनडीजीआई भी पाया गया है जिस पर यूएस पेटेन्ट प्राप्त है।
अनेक लोगों के समान हम लोग भ स्वदेशी गोवंश को उपयोगी समझकर उसके पक्ष में प्रचार, प्रयास कर ह रहे थे। लगभग 5 वर्ष पूर्व ‘नैट’ से वास्ता पड़ा। संयोग की बात कहें या उस परम सत्ता का खेल, एक ऐसी साईट मिली जिससे पता चला कि अधिकांश विदेशी गऊएं ‘ए1’ नामक बीटाकैसीन प्रोटीन वाली है जो विषाक्त प्रभाव वाला और अनेक असाध्य रोग पैदा करता है। यूरोप की कुछ गऊएं ‘ए2’ नामक हानि रहित बीटा कैसीन प्रोटीन वाली बतलाई जाती हैं।
किन्तु किसी भी ‘सर्च इंजन’ ने यह नहीं बतलाया कि भारतीय गैवंश सर्वोत्तम है तथा ‘ए2’ प्रोटीन वाला है। जब हमें पता चला कि ब्राजील ने 40 लाख से अधिक भारतीय गैवंश (गीर, सहिवाल, रैड सिंधी) तैयार किया है तो विश्वास हो गया कि भारतीय गैवंश ‘ए2’ है। बाद में ‘यूट्यूब‘ में देखा कि अमेरीका व अनेक यूरोपीय देश ‘ब्रह्मामिन काऊ‘ के नाम पर शुद्ध भारतीय गोवंश (एच एफ, हॅाल्स्टीन, जर्सी आदि) हमें मंहगे दामों पर दे रहे है।
तभी से विषाक्त ‘ए1‘ के बारे में प्रदेशभर की गौशालाओ व वैज्ञानिको को बतलाने लगे। सरकार पर हमारे प्रयासों का कोई प्रभाव न पड़ना था, न पड़ा।
पालमपुर कृषि विश्वविद्यालय में गौ विज्ञान पर संगोष्ठी
अन्त में प्रभु प्रेरणा से सूझा कि शोध पत्र पठन और सेमिनार इसका समाधान हो सकता है। एक साथी बलदेव राज सूद के प्रयासों से सरकार से 2 लाख रुपये सेमिनार हेतु स्वीकृत हुआ। उन्ही के प्रयास से पालमपुर कृषि वि.वि. के कुलपति डॉ. एस के शर्मा का पूर्ण सहयोग मिला। गोरक्षण-संवर्धन परिषद के रामऋषि भारद्वाज व उनके साथी ललित जी ने आयोजन व्यवस्था सम्भाली, नीतिगत निर्णयों व जटिल समस्याओं को सुलझाने में रोहिताश कुठियाला का बड़ा सहयोग मिला। शिमला विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति आचार्य अरुण दिवाकर नाथ बाजपेई ने खूब उत्साह बढ़ाया व लम्बी यात्रा करके मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में पधारे। ‘सेमिनार आयोजन समिति‘ मार्गदर्शक मण्डल के सदस्य के रूप में औद्यानिकी वि.वि. नौणी, सोलन के कुलपति डॉ. के. आर. धीमान का सहयोग मिला। आयोजन समिति के अध्यक्ष बने शूलिनी विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति प्रो. पी. के. खोसला। पी. सी. कपूर (तत्कालीन सचिव पशुपालन विभाग) ने स्वीकृत राशि बढ़ाकर एक से दो लाख करना मान लिया।
एन. बी. ए. जी आर के वरिष्ठ वैज्ञानिक डॉ. देवेन्द्र कुमार सदाना ने तकनीकी परामर्श की जिम्मेवारी सम्भाली। स्मारिका प्रकाशन का जटिल-कठिन कार्य उन्होंने कुशलता से निभाया।
पालमपुर कृषि विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति व वैटनरी विभाग की पूरी टीम का अनापेक्षित सहयोग मिला। डॉ. ए. सी. वार्षणेय (अब मथुरा के कुलपति) डॉ. सी वार्षणेय (अब डीन है) आदि सबने सहयोग में कसर नहीं रखी। पंजीकरण का कार्य ‘आर्टआफ लीविंग’ के पुनीत कपूर व उनके साथियों ने सम्भाला। एक साथी देवानन्द गौतम अपनी गाड़ी लेकर निरन्तर साथ बने रहे व सम्भव सहयोग करते रहे। पालमपुर प्रैस से शारदान्द गौतम, प्रैस के प्रधान व अन्य सबका खूब सहयोग मिला।
नागपुर के गोविज्ञान केन्द्र-देवला पार के श्री सुनील मानसिंहका अनुभव पूर्ण सहयोग व मार्गदर्शन इस आयोजन की सफलता का एक स्तम्भ रहा।
पशुपालन विभाग के निर्देशक डॉ. डी. पी. मल्होत्रा संयुक्त निर्देशक डॉ. अश्विनी गुप्ता तथा डॉ. अशोक की टीम का भी भरपूर सहयोग मिला।
अन्ततोगत्व 25-26 मई 2012 को दो दिवसीय ‘गोविज्ञान’ पर राष्ट्रीय संगोष्टी सम्पन्न हुई। संगोष्टी में प्रस्तुत शोध पत्रों से स्पष्ट हो गया कि विदेशी गोवंश विषाक्त हे और स्वदेशी विषमुक्त, लाभदायक प्रोटीन वाला है। निर्देशक डॉ. मल्होत्रा मंच से बोले कि हम नीतियां बनाने वाले हैं, लगता है कि हमसे गलती हो गई है।
तब से लेकर आज तक चार निर्देशक सेवानिवृत्त हो चुके हैं। पर यह सूचना (ए1, ए2) हिमाचल पशुपालन विभाग के निर्देशालय से निकलकर विभाग के शेष चिकित्सकों तक नहीं पहुंची है। सरकारी नीतियाँ भी जैसी की तैसी हैं। सारे देश व पहाड़ की श्रेष्ठ गऊओं को विषाक्त विदेशी सांडों के वीर्य के टीके लगाकर पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी अधिकाधिक विषाक्त बनाया जाना निरन्तर जारी है।
हम सब साथियों को लगता है कि पशुपालन विभाग के वैज्ञानिकों, चिकित्सकों, तकनीकी कर्मचारियों के इलावा यह जानकारी (ए1 तथा ए2 प्रोटीन के बारे में) आयुर्वेदिक व एलोपैथिक चिकित्सकों, कृषि व औद्यानिकी वैज्ञानिकों सहित जागरूक नागरिकों, प्रंशासकों, नेताओं समाजसेवियों तक पहुंचनी चाहिए।
हम सबका विश्वास है कि परिवर्तन का समय बहुत पास है। हमारे प्रयास व्यर्थ जाने का कोई कारण नहीं, सफलता सुनिश्चित है। इस अभियान में आप सबका विश्वास, शुभकामनाएं व सहयोग हमारे साथ रहेगा, इसमें हमें सन्देह नहीं।
वैद्य राजेश कपूर
HF Cow & Jersey Cow Price
Daily Milk Production
Dairy Farming In India
Holstein Friesian Cow (HF Cow)

Origin: This breed is originated from dutch in North Holland.
Holland is a region and former province on the western coast of the Netherlands in europe where holstein cows found.
Difference between Hf cow and others :
• Holsteins are large, stylish animals with color patterns of black and white or red and white.
• Some time colour pattern of cow can be very light like light red and white.
• Horns are there but sometimes not visible.
• Muggles are broad, nostrils broadly opened and strong jaw.
• HF cows looks very attractive, their body is shiny, eyes naughty and ears medium size.
• HF cow’s head position is straight and their tail colour is white.
• Holstein cows can be breed at 15 months of age, when they weigh about 800 pounds. It is desirable to have Holstein females calve for the first time between 24 and 27 months of age.
HF Cow Milk Per Day
• Hf cow milk per day 40-45 litre/day.
• Milk yield – 7200-9000 kg/per year approximately.
• This is by far the best dairy breed among exotic cattle regarding milk yield. On an average it gives 40 litre of milk per day, whereas a cross breed HF cow gives 10 – 15 litre milk per day.
Holstein Friesian (HF) Cow Price
• Price for Holstein Friesian (HF) Cow differs according to their lactation and milk yield capacity.
• Approximately price of HF cow can be Rs 40000 – 75000.
HF Cow for sale
If you are interested in purchasing or buying HF cow then you can contact to Tamilnadu, Kerala specially as they are the hub for their selling.
How to maintain HF Cow dairy farming?
HF cows are highly famous for their milk and it’s demand is also very high. Now the question is about their rearing. To know more see video.
♥ Disadvantages of Hf cow dairy farming in india
The above video describes that how much difficult hf cattle farming to us. It needs proper care, medical treatment at regular interval, vaccination every year, specific technical and mechanical cowshed for their comfort. So it will be very costly and agitated for it’s maintenance.
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Jersey Cow
Origin: This breed was developed from the island of jersey in the English channel off the coast of France.
Difference between Jersey Cow and others :
• The Jersey cow is one of the oldest dairy breeds, having been reported by authorities as being pure breed for nearly six centuries
• The color in Jersey cow may vary from a very light gray or mouse color to a very dark fawn or a shade that is almost black.
• Both the bulls and females horns are very small and some time inner folded but nostrils are big.
• Commonly darker about the hips and about the head and shoulders than on the body.
• Age at first calving : 26-30 months
• Intercalving – 13-14 months
Jersey Cow Milk Per Day
• Jersey cow milk per day 30-35 litre/day.
• Milk yield – 5000-8000 kg/per year approximately.
• We can get 2.5 times more milk by breeding between Jersey bull and Indigenous cow
Jersey Cow Price
• Price for Jersey Cow differs according to their lactation and milk yield capacity.
• Approximately price of Jersey cow can be Rs 35000 – 65000.
Jersey Cow for sale
If you are interested in purchasing or buying Jersey cow then you can contact to Tamilnadu, Kerala specially as they are the hub for their selling.
Draught Breeds
The male animals are good for work and Cows are poor milk yielder are their milk yield as an average is less than 500 kg per lactation. They are usually white in color. A pair of bullocks can haul 1000 kg. Net with an iron typed cart on a good road at walking speed of 5 to 7 km per hour and cover a distance of 30 – 40 km per day. Twice as much weight can be pulled on pneumatic rubber tube carts. The example of this group Kangayam, Umblacherry, Amritmahal, Hallikar.
Cart Pulling Bull & Ploughing Bull
Kangayam Cow Breed
Kangayam is a draught breed of cattle and distributed in Kangayam, Dharapuram, Perundurai, Erode, Bhavani and part of Gobichettipalayam talukas of Erode district, Dindigul, Karur and Coimbatore district.
On the other hand, replacement of Kangayam cattle by exotic crosses is high in Udumalpet, Pollachi, Palladam and Tirupur talukas of Coimbatore, and Erode district.
This breed is most closely related to the Umblachery breed of cattle. Kangayam animals are well built and heavier than Umblachery cattle and are found in drier climate, whereas Umblachery are found in the hot humid tract.
Kangayam Cattle – Physical Characteristics
• At the time of birth its skin color is red and after 6 months it turns Grey
• Cows are grey or white and grey. However, animals with red, black, fawn and broken color are also observed. Such animals comprise approximately 1 to 2 % of the total population.
• Horns, muzzle, eyelids, tail switch and hooves are black. Skin is also black.
• Animals are active with compact body and strong physique.
• Legs are short and stout with strong hooves.
• Hump and at the leg joint, the color is grey whereas the rest of the body of bulls is red /black and that of an ox is grey
• Milk yield ranges from 600 to 800 Kg with an average of about 540 Kg in a lactation of about 270 days. Average fat and SNF is 3.88 + 0.07 and 6.96 + 0.05 % respectively.
• Ox have the capacity to work in very hot days too.
• Best suited for ploughing and transport. Withstands hardy conditions.
Amritmahal Cow breed
The Amritmahal cattle breed is found in Hassan, Chikmagalur and Chitradurga districts of Karnataka state in southern India. It is a famous draught breed known for its energy, power and endurance. Bullocks are especially-suited for quick transportation. These cattle consisted of three distinct strains: Hallikar, Hagalvadi and Chitaldoorg.
Amritmahal Cow Breed- Physical characteristics
• Color ranges from white to black
• Face, nose and tail are evenly black, in older breed, these parts are lighter
• Color of this breed is white, male is off white and color of bulls ranges from deep to light brown.
• Head is long and tapering towards muzzle. Forehead is narrow, bulging out with a furrow in the middle. Horns are long and emerge from the top of the poll fairly close together in backward and upward direction, turn in and end in sharp black points. Sometimes the long, sharp points touch each other and appear like torch light.
• Eyes are shiny, ears small and placed parallel to the earth
• Hump is fully developed and slightly bent forward, legs are medium in length and in proportion to the rest of the body
• Skin is thin, oily deep black in color and furry
• Udder / Milk glands are small, compact & hard
• Dewlap/ neck wrinkles are small and not too long
• Hoofs/heels are small and hard
• An adult male weighs around 500 kg and female around 318 kg.
• Age at first calving is 1, 337.6±115.52 days and milk yield is 572±24 kg. Calving interval is 577.6±24.32 days and lactation length 299± 10
• Best suitable for ploughing and transport.
Hallikar Cow Breed
Hallikar cattle is typical Mysore type of cattle found mainly in Mysore, Mandya, Bangalore, Kolar, Tumkur, Hassan and Chitradurga district of Karnataka. It is one of the best draught breed of southern India. In the entire tract bullocks are given special attention. Price of each bullock ranges from Rs. 5, 500 to Rs 10, 000. Females are being used for all kinds of farm operations. They can also work in waterlogged fields and contribute to the farming system.
Hallikar Cow breed – Physical Characteristics
• Color is grey to dark grey with deep shading on the fore and hind quarters. Frequently, there are light grey marking on the face, dewlap and under the body.
• Hallikar cattle are medium sized, compact and muscular in appearance.
• The forehead is prominent giving a slight bulgy appearance and is furrowed in the middle.
• The face is long and tapers towards the muzzle, which is usually grey to black.
• Horns emerge near each other from the top of poll and are carried backward for nearly half their length and slightly inward toward the tips which are black and sharp. Horns almost touch the neck in front of hump when the animal is feeding with its head downward.
• Eyes are small and clear.
• Ears are small tapering to a point.
• Dewlap is thin and moderately developed.
• Tail is fine with a black switch which reaches little below hocks.
• Age at first calving ranges from 915 to 1, 800 days with an average of about 1, 370 days.
• Lactation milk yield is around 540 kg ranging from 227 to 1, 134 kg. Lactation length ranges from 210 to 310 days averaging of about 285 days.
• Fat is about 5.7%.
• Bullocks are strong, well spirited, quick and steady in the field as well as on road.
Umblacherry Cow Breed
Origin: Tanjore district in Tamilnadu.
Distinguishing characters of umblacharry cow breed:
- This breed has similar characters as kangayam.
- Bulls are fearly temperament. They are used for ploughing in Thanjore delta area.
- Calves are red in colour when born and become grey in colour after 6 months of age.
- Cows are poor milker with average milk yield of 300 kg/lactation.
- Male animals are good for hard work.
Upgrading Indigenous cattle of India
Breed | Habitat/Main State | Breeding Tract Districts | Assembling Center | Areas of demand | Remarks |
Hallikar | Karnataka | Tumkur, Hassan & Mysore | Dodbalapur, Chickballapur, Harikar, Devargudda, Chikkuvalli, Karuvalli, Chittavadgi (T.N.) North Arcot (T.N.) Hindupur, Somaghatta, Anantpur (A.P.) | Dharwar, North Kanara, Bellary (KT) Anantur & Chittur (A.P.), Coimbatore North Arcot, Salem (T.N.) | Draught breed |
Kangayam | Tamil Nadu | Erode | Avanashi, Tirppur, Kannauram, Madurai Athicombu | Southern Districts of Tamil Nadu | Draught breed |
Red Sindhi | Pakistan All parts of India | – | – | – | Dairy breed |
Tharparkar | Pakistan(sind) | Umarkot, Naukot, Dhoro Naro Chor | Balotra (Jodhpur), Puskar (Ajmer), Gujarat State | – | Dairy breed |
Vechur | Kerala | – | Vaikom, Mannuthy (Kerala State) | – | – |
(Source: National Dairy Development Board)
Dual Purpose Breeds – Indian Cow Breed
Draught Plus Milk Breed
The cows in these breeds are average milk yield and male are very useful for work. Their milk production per lactation is 500 kg to 150 kg. The example of this group is Ongole, Hariana, Kankrej, Tharparkar, Krishna valley, Rathi and Goalo Mewathi.
Haryana Cow Breed
As the name suggests, Hariana cows are found in Haryana/UP areas.
This breed is one of the most distinguished and dual-purpose breeds of North India and one of its main uses is in the production of high-quality Bull.
Mainly found in Karnal, Hisar and Gurgaon district of Haryana, Delhi and Western M.P. The breed is also reared in the states of Rohtak, Haryana, Hissar, Jeend and Gurgaon.
Apart from the above places, Haryana is found abundantly in Alwar, Jodhpur, Loharu & Bharatpur states of Rajasthan India. In UP it is found near and around states of Meerut, Muzaffarnagar, Bulland Shahar, Aligarh and Bijnaur. A pure and Ascendant form of this breed is prominently seen in certain areas of Rajasthan like Jhajjar, Beri & Jahajgarh.
It is a famous & well-known breed in Ganga’s Doab. ( The Doab, unqualified by the names of any rivers, designates the flat alluvial tract between the Ganges and Yamuna rivers in western and southwestern Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand state in India, extending from the Sivalik Hills to the two rivers’ confluence at Allahabad. The region has an area of about 23, 360 square miles (60, 500 square km); it is approximately 500 miles (805 km) in length and 60 miles (97 km) in width.
Doab figures prominently in history and myths of Vedic period; the epic Mahabharata, for example, is set in the Doab, around the city of Hastinapur”
Haryana Cow Breed – Physical Characteristics :
• White or light Grey Skin Color.
• In Bulls, Front and posterior part is Dark.
• Long and thin face.
• Muzzle / Nose is always Black.
• The forehead is flat, Horns are small, sharp and rounded towards the inside, eyes are black and attractive.
• In certain breeds, eye’s iris is black too.
• Head is erect and high which gives them an extinguished personality.
• Hump is seen in both male and female breeds and is more prominent in the male breed as compared to Females w.r.t to the rest of the body.
• Hoof is black, legs are shapely, attractive and long
• The udder is capacious and extends well forward with a well-developed milk-vein. Milk glands are medium sized and well developed
• A tail is rather short, thin and bent
• Adult body weight is around 499 and 325 kg in males and females respectively.
• Lactation length is about 272 days ranging from 238 to 330 days. Average service period is 232 days (range 126 to 305 days), dry period 255 days (range 133 to 571 days) and calving interval 483 days (range 415 to 561 days).
Tharparkar Cow Breed
Dakshini Sindh (Pakistan’s) Tharparkar sector is the producer of this cow. This breed is visible from the west region of Rajasthan at Indo Pak Border to Kuchh of Gujarat. The development of this breed of cow is the result of atmospheric conditions of Rajasthan’s Thar Desert and similar areas. Mainly found in Jodhpur, Kutch and Jaisalmer
Tharparkar Cow – Physical Characteristics
• Skin Color – White / light Grey.
• Face & Rest of the body parts are dark.
• Bulls / male cows have curly hair above the forehead.
• Flat forehead, Broad and Elevated over the eyes .
• Horns and face are at the same level.
• In Bulls, the higher part of forehead is more protruded.
• Face is bent, clear and little rounded
• Jaw is very strong and eyes are serene, calm and serious.
• Ears are long, broad and little bent.
• Tharparkar cows breed calve for the first time at an average age of about 1, 247 days (range 1, 116 to 1, 596 days), milk yield is 1, 749 kg (range 913 to 2, 14.7 kg) and calving interval 431 days (range 408 to 572 days)
• Fat content in its milk is 4.9%.
• Milk yield – Under village condition :1660 kg
• Milk yield – Under commercial farms: 2500 kg
Kankrej Cow Breed
Kankrej cattle are one of the most well-known & amongst the largest cattle of India and are prized as powerful draft animals.
It has played an important role in preserving the cow race in the USA thus heavily impacting U.S. cattle breeding. They are moderate milk producers. This is a very simple race of cows which adjusts itself to the worst of condition; these cows are very peaceful in nature and in their movement and manner of living.
Kankrej cattle are maintained as a pure breed in India and Brazil in large numbers, with a few in the U. S. They are fertile under adverse conditions.
Kankrej Cow Breed – Physical Characteristics:
• Kankrej cattle are gray cattle of northern India with big, long and round horns.
• Bulls are comparatively darker in color then the rest of the breed.
• Having small but broad faces with long ears drooping and open to the front.
• Color varies from light gray to black at maturity.
• Age at first calving -36 to 42 months
• Calving interval – 15 to 16 months
• Lactation length averages 294 days (range 257 to 350 days)
• Milk yield – Under village condition :1300 kg
• Milk yield– Under commercial farms : 3600 kg
• Fat is around 4.8% (range 4.66 to 4.99%).
• Bullocks are fast, active and strong. Good for plough and cart purpose
Upgrading Indigenous cattle of India
Breed | Habitat/Main State | Breeding Tract Districts | Assembling Center | Areas of demand | Remarks |
Hallikar | Karnataka | Tumkur, Hassan & Mysore | Dodbalapur, Chickballapur, Harikar, Devargudda, Chikkuvalli, Karuvalli, Chittavadgi (T.N.) North Arcot (T.N.) Hindupur, Somaghatta, Anantapur (A.P.) | Dharwar, North Kanara, Bellary (KT) Anantur & Chittur (A.P.), Coimbatore North Arcot, Salem (T.N.) | Draught breed |
Kangayam | Tamil Nadu | Erode | Avanashi, Tiruppur, Kannauram, Madurai Athicombu | Southern Districts of Tamil Nadu | Draught breed |
Red Sindhi | Pakistan All parts of India | – | – | – | Dairy breed |
Tharparkar | Pakistan(Sindh) | Umarkot, Naukot, Dhoro Naro Chor | Balotra (Jodhpur), Puskar (Ajmer), Gujarat State | – | Dairy breed |
Vechur | Kerala | – | Vaikom, Mannuthy (Kerala State) | – | – |
(Source: National Dairy Development Board)
Milking Breeds
The cows of these breeds are high milk yields and the male animals are slow or poor work animals. The examples of Indian milch breeds are sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Gir and Deoni The milk production of milk breeds is on the average more than 1600 kg per lactation
Red Sindhi Cow
Red sindhi is a distinguished milch breed of Upmahadweep.
It is mostly found in Karachi and Hyderabad districts of Pakistan. Some organized herds of this breed are also found in India in the states of Punjab, Haryana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Orissa. The original herd was established at Malir outside Karachi.
Lal Sindhi cattle are somewhat similar to Sahiwal and may also be related to Afghan and Gir cattle. Red Sindhi is one of the important dairy cattle breeds in Indian sub-continent.
Physical Characteristics:
• This breed has distinctly red color.
• Red shades vary from dark red to dim yellow. Though patches of white are seen on dewlap and sometimes on forehead, no large white patches are present on the body.
• In bulls, color is dark on the shoulders and thighs.
• Hair is soft and short, and skin is loose.
• Milk production is around 1, 840 kg(range 1, 100 to 2, 600 kg) and lactation length 296 days . Under good management conditions the Red Sindhi averages over 1700 kg of milk after suckling their calves but under optimum conditions there have been milk yields of over 3400 kg per lactation.
• Fat is around4.5%
Sahiwal Cow
The Sahiwal is one of the best dairy breeds of zebu cattle.
Though its original breeding tract lies in Montgomery (now Sahiwal) district of Pakistan, yet some herds are also found in India along the Indo-Pak border in Ferozepur and Amritsar districts of Punjab, and Sri Ganganagar district of Rajasthan, Haryana, U.P, Delhi, Bihar and M.P.
Sahiwal breed is being utilized widely for improvement of local stock or for the purpose of initial crossbreeding. It is known to have been introduced into 17 other countries, besides Pakistan and India. These are: Mauritius, Kenya, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Brazil, Jamaica, Trinidad, Australia and New Zealand.
Physical Characteristics:
• Coat color is usually red, sometimes pale red or brown occasionally mixed with white spots is also seen.
• The Sahiwal is a heavy breed with symmetrical body and loose skin.
• Animals are long, deep, fleshy and comparatively lethargic.
• Horns are short and stumpy.
• Udder is generally large, bowl shaped, pliable, and firmly suspended from the body.
• Average milk yield is 2, 326 kg (range 1, 600 to 2, 750 kg).
• Average lactation length is 318 days (range 285 to 375 days).
• Fat is 4.8 to 5.1% (average 4.93%).
• Milk yield – Under village condition :1350 kg
• Milk yield – Under commercial farms: 2100 kg
• Calving interval – 15 month
Gir Cow
The Gir is a famous milk cattle breed of India. The native tract of the breed is Gir hills and forests of Kathiawar including Junagarh, Bhavnagar, Rajkot and Amreli districts of Gujarat. The Gir animals are famous for their tolerance to stress conditions and resistance to various tropical diseases. Bullocks of this breed are used to drag heavy loads on all kinds of soil. Brazil, Mexico, USA and Venezuela have imported these animals where they are being breed successfully. These animals contribute significantly to the total milk production of Gujarat State. The Rabaris, Bharwads, Maldharis, Ahirs and Charans tribes are mainly involved in Rearing of Gir cattle. They move with their cattle from one place to another in search for grazing. The Gir animals are also kept at different Gaushalas (cow barns) in Gujarat State.
Physical Characteristics:
• Coat color of Gir animals varies from shades of red and white to almost black and white or entire red. Skin color is dominantly black but in a few animals it is brown, has red/white and black/white or completely red haired cows can be seen
• Forehead is prominent, convex and broad like a bony shield. This overhangs eyes in such a way that they appear to be partially closed and the animal shows sloppy appearance.
• Ears are long and pendulous and folded like a leaf.
• The tail is long and whip like.
• Hooves are black and medium-sized.
• Hair is short and glossy,
• Skin is loose and pliable
• Hipbones are prominent, the body is well proportioned, the udder in cows is well developed
• Age at first calving in Gir cows is 52.49 months
• Average lactation and 300 days milk yield in 378 Gir cows is 1775 and 1449 kg, respectively.
• Gir Cow Milk yield – Under village condition : 900 kg
• Gir Cow Milk yield – Under commercial farms: 1600 kg
Deoni is an important dual-purpose breed of cattle in Maharashtra. These animals are mainly found in the Latur district and the adjoining area of Prabhani, Nanded and Osmanabad districts of the Marathwada region of Maharashtra. The name of the breed is derived from Deoni Taluk of the Latur district.
Physical Characteristics
• Deoni is a medium heavy animal. It is found in three color variations viz. Wannera (clear white with black colour at the sides of the face), Balankya (clear white with black spots on the lower side of the body) and Shevera (white body with irregular black spots).
• The body is moderately developed and symmetrical with distinct muscles.
• The colour of the head is black and white in Wannera and Shevera and completely white in the Balankya strain.
• The forehead is prominent, broad, slightly bulged and white in all the strains
• Ears are long and drooping with slightly curved tips
• Horns are medium, thick, apart and emerge from the sides of the poles, Tips of the horns are blunt
• Eyes are prominent, bright and alert with black eyebrows.
• The neck is short, strong and well developed. Dewlap is thick, pendulous, and muscular with folds. It is more pendulous in males than in females.
• The tail is long reaching below the hock with black and white switch.
• The udder is well attached and medium in .size with squarely placed black teats.
• The animals are docile and calm.
• Lactation milk yield in Deoni herds ranging from 800 to 1000 kg.
• Average Fat percent of 4.29 is observed in 100 samples of Deoni cow milk.
Upgrading Indigenous cattle of India
Breed | Habitat/Main State | Breeding Tract Districts | Assembling Center | Areas of demand | Remarks |
Hallikar | Karnataka | Tumkur, Hassan & Mysore | Dodbalapur, Chickballapur, Harikar, Devargudda, Chikkuvalli, Karuvalli, Chittavadgi (T.N.) North Arcot (T.N.) Hindupur, Somaghatta, Anantpur (A.P.) | Dharwar, North Kanara, Bellary (KT) Anantur & Chittur (A.P.), Coimbatore North Arcot, Salem (T.N.) | Draught breed |
Kangayam | Tamil Nadu | Erode | Avanashi, Tirppur, Kannauram, Madurai Athicombu | Southern Districts of Tamil Nadu | Draught breed |
Red Sindhi | Pakistan All parts of India | – | – | – | Dairy breed |
Tharparkar | Pakistan(sind) | Umarkot, Naukot, Dhoro Naro Chor | Balotra (Jodhpur), Puskar (Ajmer), Gujarat State | – | Dairy breed |
Vechur | Kerala | – | Vaikom, Mannuthy (Kerala State) | – | – |
(Source: National Dairy Development Board)
There are numerous varieties of cow breeds found in India which have been found useful in milk production and bearing loads for transportation but for last 40-50 years, due to the countless operations carried out between Indian and foreign cow breeds; we have lost some of our extremely useful and established cattle.
Fortunately, since past few years situation has been improving, today, the need to re-establish, promote and highlight the innate qualities of Indian breed of cows is, well acceptable.
In this article we shall be looking at the existing breed of cows.
As the name suggests, Hariana cows are found in Haryana/UP areas.
This breed is one of the most distinguished and dual purpose breed of North India and one of its main uses is in the production of high quality Bull.
The breed is also reared in the states of Rohtak, Haryana, Hissar, Jeend and Gurgaon.
Apart from the above places, Hariana is found abundantly in Alwar, Jodhpur, Loharu & Bharatpur states of Rajasthan India. In UP it is found near and around states of Meerut, Muzaffarnagar, Bulland Shahar, Aligarh and Bijnaur . Pure and Ascendant form of this breed is prominently seen in certain areas of Rajasthan like
Jhajjar, Beri & Jahajgarh.
It is a famous & well known breed in Ganga’s Doab. ( The Doab, unqualified by the names of any rivers, designates the flat alluvial tract between the Ganges and Yamuna rivers in western and southwestern Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand state in India, extending from the Sivalik Hills to the two rivers’ confluence at Allahabad. The region has an area of about 23, 360 square miles (60, 500 square km); it is approximately 500 miles (805 km) in length and 60 miles (97 km) in width.
Doab figures prominently in history and myths of Vedic period; the epic Mahabharata, for example, is set in the Doab, around the city of Hastinapur”
Physical Characteristics:
• White or light Grey Skin Color.
• In Bulls, Front and posterior part is Dark.
• Long and thin face.
• Muzzle / Nose is always Black .
• Forehead is flat, Horns are small, sharp and rounded towards the inside, eyes are black and attractive.
• In certain breeds, eye’s iris is black too.
• Head is erect and high which gives them an extinguished personality.
• Hump is seen in both male and female breeds and is more prominent in male breed as compared to Females w.r.t to the rest of the body.
• Hoof is black, legs are shapely, attractive and long
• Udder is capacious and extends well forward with a well-developed milk-vein. Milk glands are medium sized and well developed
• Tail is rather short, thin and bent
• Adult body weight is around 499 and 325 kg in males and females respectively.
• Lactation length is about 272 days ranging from 238 to 330 days. Average service period is 232 days (range 126 to 305 days), dry period 255 days (range 133 to 571 days) and calving interval 483 days (range 415 to 561 days).
Gaolao is one of the high quality distinguished breed of Indian cows used for milk production & Load Bearing. It is found in certain sectors of Maharashtra & M.P. like Balaghat, Chhindbaada, Durg, Rajnandgaon & especially in few areas of Sioni .
There is also a marked similarity in Ongol and Gaolao breed ; these are slightly lighter and more active and lighter that Ongol breed . They like to move around hence the Animals are grazed in the grasslands preserved by the forest department.
Physical Characteristics
• White or light brown skin color
• Bulls are brown colored above the neck’s hump.
• Medium heighted, body is slightly narrowed but long.
• Long narrow head and slightly bended towards the nose.
• Forehead is flat and convex in shape and protruding.
• Eyes are almond shaped and slightly bent at an angle, medium sized and & placed at an elevated level.
• Horns are small and fat from front.
• Enlarged Hump making its appearance look bent and loose.
• Neck wrinkles are well developed.
• Small tail.
• Weight ranges from 340-440 kg.
• At the age of 1300 days, cow is ready for milk production, milk production is around 470-725kg & duration of gap is 240 days in which the fat content is around 5.5%
Dakshini Sindh (Pakistan’s) Tharparkar sector is the producer of this cow. This breed is visible from the west region of Rajasthan at Indo Pak Border to Kuchh of Gujarat. The development of this breed of cow is the result of atmospheric conditions of Rajasthan’s Thar Desert and similar areas.
Physical Characteristics
• Skin Color – White / light Grey.
• Face & Rest of the body parts are dark.
• Bulls / male cows have curly hair above the forehead.
• Flat forehead, Broad and Elevated over the eyes .
• Horns and face are at the same level.
• In Bulls, the higher part of forehead is more protruded.
• Face is bent, clear and little rounded
• Jaw is very strong and eyes are serene, calm and serious.
• Ears are long, broad and little bent.
• Tharparkar cows calve for the first time at an average age of about 1, 247 days (range 1, 116 to 1, 596 days), milk yield is 1, 749 kg (range 913 to 2, 14.7 kg) and calving interval 431 days (range 408 to 572 days)
• Fat content in its milk is 4.9%.
Malvi bulls are known for their fast transportation abilities. They have higher load bearing & working capacity. Its breed found in West Rajasthan is lighter while that found in Madhya Pradesh is smaller in size.
Physical Characteristics
• Skin color of the male cow is Grey, one fourth part of neck, shoulders, hump and body is black, with age the complete body color turn black .
• Body is small/short, deep but balanced
• Legs short but strong
• Hoof extremely strong and black
• Neck wrinkles are fully developed & skin is heavy and loose
• Small head, forehead is broad and flat like a saucer
• Nose is dark and little elevated, horns are sharp and strong and are projected out from the corners of the head and launched upwards
• Average milk yield is 1, 074 kg (range 627 to 1, 227 kg). Average lactation length is 306 days (range 411 and 530 days).
Channi is found in India as well as Pakistan.
Physical Characteristics
• Heavy body
• Hump excessively high
• Middle portion of the waist seems suppressed inside and the rear portion is elevated
• Tight Skin, Height and built is Strong
• Horns are very small and forehead is elevated and broad and ears are directed downwards towards ground level
• Eyes are small & serene
• Skin color is Grey/Black, with unevenly distributed speckles.
Ongole is one of the predominant, dual purpose breed of South India.
Ongole breed contributed to the development of some of the exotic breeds like ‘American Brahman’, ‘Santa Getrudis’ etc. and is used extensively for beef purpose in Latin American countries. It is also called the Nellore breed since the Ongole taluka was earlier included in Nellore district but now it is included in Guntur district.
Physical Characteristics
• Ongole is a big and strong breed having a glossy white coat called “padakateeru” by the breeders.
• Skin color is bright white
• Muscular well developed body
• Forehead is flat & broad between eyes and slightly prominent.
• Face moderately long and coffin shaped.
• Hump in males are well developed and erect filled up on both side and not concave or leaning to either side.
• Dewlap/neck wrinkles is large, fan shaped, fleshy and slightly pendulous.
• Farmers identify the Ongole breed with 3 lengths (legs, shoulder and back), 7 shorts (muzzle, ear, neck, dewlap, flank, sheath and tail) and 9 blacks (muzzle, eyes, tip of ear, knees, fetlocks, sheath, switch of tail, anal region and tip of testes).
• Average milk yield is 688 kg (range 475 to 1, 000 kg) in a lactation period of about 230 days (range 160 to 270 days). Average fat is 4.2% (range 4.1 to 4.8%).
Rathi is an important Milch breed of cattle found in the western part of Rajasthan. It takes its name from a pastoral tribe called Raths who are Muslims of Rajput extraction and lead a nomadic life. Its origin is known to be from Bikaner, Sriganganagar, Jaisalmer situated in the middle of Thar desert . These animals are particularly concentrated in the Loonkaransar tehsil of Bikaner district which is also known as ‘ Rathi Tract ’.
Physical Characteristics :
• Rathi is a medium sized breed with symmetrical body. The animal is usually brown with white patches all over the body, but animals having completely brown or black coats with white patches are often encountered
• The lower body parts are generally lighter in color as compared to the rest of the body.
• Forehead is broad and shaped like a saucer,
• Nose and hoof/heel is black in color
• Eyelashes are brown /black in color
• Horns are short to medium in size, curving outward, upward and inward.
• Ears are medium sized, neck wrinkles/dewlap are big and heavy
• Naval center is quite large.
• Hump is larger in males and body shape is like a pendulum
• Tail is long, fine, tapering to a good black switch well below hock. Udder is well developed with prominent milk-vein.
• Females are docile and average Milker’s. Milk yield is 1, 560 kg (range 1, 062 to 2, 810 kg). Average lactation length is 336 days (range 306 to 431 days).
Mewati breed of cattle is found in the tract known as Mewat, comprising Alwar and Bharatpur districts of Rajasthan. These cattle are also found around Mathura and Kosi in western Uttar Pradesh, and Faridabad and Gurgaon districts of Hariana. The breed is sometimes spoken of as Kosi, on account of the sale of large number of cattle of this breed at the Kosi market. Presently this market has become buffalo dominated and few cows are being brought for sale.
Mewati cattle are similar in type to the Hariana but there are traces of influence of the Gir, Kankrej and Malvi breeds.
Physical Characteristics
• Mewati cattle are usually white with neck, shoulders and quarters of a darker shade.
• Face is long and narrow with forehead slightly bulging.
• Horns emerge from the outer angles of poll and are inclined to turn backward at the points.
• Eyes are prominent and surrounded by a very dark rim.
• Muzzle is wide and square.
• Upper lip is thick and overhanging, giving the upper part of the nose a contracted appearance.
• Ears are pendulous but not so long.
• Dewlap, though hanging, is not very loose.
• Tail is long, the tuft nearly reaching the heels.
• Cows usually have well- developed udders.
• Mewati cattle are powerful and docile, and are useful for heavy Ploughing & Transportation.
The Amritmahal breed is found in Hassan, Chikmagalur and Chitradurga districts of Karnataka state in southern India. It is a famous draught breed known for its energy, power and endurance. Bullocks are especially-suited for quick transportation. These cattle consisted of three distinct strains: Hallikar, Hagalvadi and Chitaldoorg.
Physical characteristics
• Color ranges from white to black
• Face, nose and tail are evenly black, in older breed, these parts are lighter
• Color of this breed is white, male is off white and color of bulls ranges from deep to light brown.
• Head is long and tapering towards muzzle. Forehead is narrow, bulging out with a furrow in the middle. Horns are long and emerge from the top of the poll fairly close together in backward and upward direction, turn in and end in sharp black points. Sometimes the long, sharp points touch each other and appear like torch light.
• Eyes are shiny, ears small and placed parallel to the earth
• Hump is fully developed and slightly bent forward, legs are medium in length and in proportion to the rest of the body
• Skin is thin, oily deep black in color and furry
• Udder / Milk glands are small, compact & hard
• Dewlap/ neck wrinkles are small and not too long
• Hoofs/heels are small and hard
• An adult male weighs around 500 kg and female around 318 kg.
• Age at first calving is 1, 337.6±115.52 days and milk yield is 572±24 kg. Calving interval is 577.6±24.32 days and lactation length 299± 10
This breed was found in Sitamari and some parts of Madhubani, Darbhanga, Samastipur and Muzaffarnagar districts of Bihar but a recent survey has revealed that the Bachaur cattle are now concentrated in the areas adjoining Nepal border comprising Bachaur and Koilpur subdivisions of Sitamarhi district. It is known for its draught qualities and ability to thrive on poor fodder resources. This breed has very close similarity to the Hariana breed.
Physical characteristics
• Skin color is Light brown
• Small Neck
• Flat, large forehead and slightly convex
• Attractive, Prominent eyes
• Horns are medium in length
• Legs are thin and short
• Medium sized, thin dewlap Neck
• Tail is short and thick
• Black/white at the ends
• Small udder. Tail switch is either black or white.
• Cows are poor milker and produce around 540 kg of milk (range 495 to 605 kg) in a lactation of around 254 days.
• Bullocks are very hard working and can work about 8 hours without any break.
Dangi is a draught breed found in a small area of Nasik and Ahmednagar districts in Maharashtra state including an area in the Western Ghats known as Dangs from which the breed takes its name. They are well known for their excellent working qualities in heavy rainfall areas, rice fields and hilly tracts.
Dangi breeders are semi-nomadic. They belong to Kandadi, Mahadeo Koli, Thakar and Maratha communities, who practice seasonal migration and remain away from their villages for about 9 months in a year (January to September). During the hot and dry season, the breeders migrate towards coastal areas where grass, tree fodder and water are available to some extent. During the period of heavy rainfall, they settle down at the foothills for protection from the cold draught.
Physical characteristics
• White skin color with red or black spots distributed unevenly over the body.
• Animals are medium in size with deep bodies.
• Small head with protruding forehead.
• Dewlap appears loose, bent & resembles a pendulum.
• Small ears.
• Hump is medium sized.
• Horns are small and Fat.
• Hoofs are black and somewhat hard.
• Skin secretes a type of oil which protects them during heavy rains.
• Milk yield averages 530 kg (range 32 to 1, 228 kg) in an average lactation period of 269 days (range 100 to 396 days).
• Average fat in milk is 4.3%.
Kangayam is a draught breed of cattle and distributed in Kangayam, Dharapuram, Perundurai, Erode, Bhavani and part of Gobichettipalayam talukas of Erode district, Dindigul, Karur and Coimbatore district.
On the other hand, replacement of Kangayam cattle by exotic crosses is high in Udumalpet, Pollachi, Palladam and Tirupur talukas of Coimbatore, and Erode district.
This breed is most closely related to the Umblachery breed of cattle. Kangayam animals are well built and heavier than Umblachery cattle and are found in drier climate, whereas Umblachery are found in the hot humid tract.
Physical Characteristics
• At the time of birth its skin color is red and after 6 months it turns Grey
• Cows are grey or white and grey. However, animals with red, black, fawn and broken color are also observed. Such animals comprise approximately 1 to 2 % of the total population.
• Horns, muzzle, eyelids, tail switch and hooves are black. Skin is also black.
• Animals are active with compact body and strong physique.
• Legs are short and stout with strong hooves.
• Hump and at the leg joint, the color is grey whereas the rest of the body of bulls is red /black and that of an ox is grey
• Milk yield ranges from 600 to 800 Kg with an average of about 540 Kg in a lactation of about 270 days. Average fat and SNF is 3.88 + 0.07 and 6.96 + 0.05 % respectively.
• Ox have the capacity to work in very hot days too
Kankrej cattle are one of the most well-known & amongst the largest cattle of India and are prized as powerful draft animals.
It has played an important role in preserving the cow race in USA thus heavily impacting U.S. cattle breeding. They are moderate milk producers. This is a very simple race of cows which adjusts itself to the worst of condition; these cows are very peaceful in nature and in their movement and manner of living.
Kankrej cattle are maintained as a pure breed in India and Brazil in large numbers, with a few in the U. S. They are fertile under adverse conditions.
Physical Characteristics:
• Kankrej cattle are gray cattle of northern India with big, long and round horns.
• Bulls are comparatively darker in color then the rest of the breed.
• Having small but broad faces with long ears drooping and open to the front.
• Color varies from light gray to black at maturity. Average milk yield is around 1, 746 kg (range 1, 097 to 3, 194 kg). Lactation length averages 294 days (range 257 to 350 days), calving interval is around 490 days, and fat is around 4.8% (range 4.66 to 4.99%).
Deoni is an important dual-purpose breed of cattle in Maharashtra. These animals are mainly found in the Latur district and the adjoining area of Prabhani, Nanded and Osmanabad districts of the Marathwada region of Maharashtra. The name of the breed is derived from Deoni Taluk of the Latur district.
Physical Characteristics
• Deoni is a medium heavy animal. It is found in three color variations viz. Wannera (clear white with black colour at the sides of the face), Balankya (clear white with black spots on the lower side of the body) and Shevera (white body with irregular black spots).
• The body is moderately developed and symmetrical with distinct muscles.
• The colour of the head is black and white in Wannera and Shevera and completely white in the Balankya strain.
• The forehead is prominent, broad, slightly bulged and white in all the strains
• Ears are long and drooping with slightly curved tips
• Horns are medium, thick, apart and emerge from the sides of the poles, Tips of the horns are blunt
• Eyes are prominent, bright and alert with black eyebrows.
• The neck is short, strong and well developed. Dewlap is thick, pendulous, and muscular with folds. It is more pendulous in males than in females.
• The tail is long reaching below the hock with black and white switch.
• The udder is well attached and medium in .size with squarely placed black teats.
• The animals are docile and calm.
• Lactation milk yield in Deoni herds ranging from 800 to 1000 kg.
• Average Fat percent of 4.29 is observed in 100 samples of Deoni cow milk.
The Gir is a famous milk cattle breed of India. The native tract of the breed is Gir hills and forests of Kathiawar including Junagarh, Bhavnagar, Rajkot and Amreli districts of Gujarat. The Gir animals are famous for their tolerance to stress conditions and resistance to various tropical diseases. Bullocks of this breed are used to drag heavy loads on all kinds of soil. Brazil, Mexico, USA and Venezuela have imported these animals where they are being bred successfully. These animals contribute significantly to the total milk production of Gujarat State. The Rabaris, Bharwads, Maldharis, Ahirs and Charans tribes are mainly involved in Rearing of Gir cattle. They move with their cattle from one place to another in search for grazing. The Gir animals are also kept at different Gaushalas (cow barns) in Gujarat State.
Physical Characteristics:
• Coat color of Gir animals varies from shades of red and white to almost black and white or entire red. Skin color is dominantly black but in a few animals it is brown, has red/white and black/white or completely red haired cows can be seen
• Forehead is prominent, convex and broad like a bony shield. This overhangs eyes in such a way that they appear to be partially closed and the animal shows sloppy appearance.
• Ears are long and pendulous and folded like a leaf.
• The tail is long and whip like.
• Hooves are black and medium-sized.
• Hair is short and glossy,
• Skin is loose and pliable
• Hipbones are prominent, the body is well proportioned, the udder in cows is well developed
• Age at first calving in Gir cows is 52.49 months
• Average lactation and 300 days milk yield in 378 Gir cows is 1775 and 1449 kg, respectively.
Hallikar cattle is typical Mysore type of cattle found mainly in Mysore, Mandya, Bangalore, Kolar, Tumkur, Hassan and Chitradurga district of Karnataka. It is one of the best draught breed of southern India. In the entire tract bullocks are given special attention. Price of each bullock ranges from Rs. 5, 500 to Rs 10, 000. Females are being used for all kinds of farm operations. They can also work in water logged fields and contribute to the farming system.
Physical Characteristics
• Color is grey to dark grey with deep shading on the fore and hind quarters. Frequently, there are light grey marking on the face, dewlap and under the body.
• Hallikar cattle are medium sized, compact and muscular in appearance.
• The forehead is prominent giving a slight bulgy appearance and is furrowed in the middle.
• The face is long and tapers towards the muzzle, which is usually grey to black.
• Horns emerge near each other from the top of poll and are carried backward for nearly half their length and slightly inward toward the tips which are black and sharp. Horns almost touch the neck in front of hump when the animal is feeding with its head downward.
• Eyes are small and clear.
• Ears are small tapering to a point.
• Dewlap is thin and moderately developed.
• Tail is fine with a black switch which reaches little below hocks.
• Age at first calving ranges from 915 to 1, 800 days with an average of about 1, 370 days.
• Lactation milk yield is around 540 kg ranging from 227 to 1, 134 kg. Lactation length ranges from 210 to 310 days averaging of about 285 days.
• Fat is about 5.7%.
Bargur is a draught breed found around Bargur hills in Bhavani taluk of Erode district, Tamil Nadu, and is bred extensively by Lingaiys and Lambadis of that area. Animals are of Mysore-type, but smaller and more compact. They are fiery in disposition, and are difficult to train. They are light in built and are developed mainly for carrying out agricultural operations in the uneven and hilly terrain. Male of this breed are excellent in speed and possess high endurance.
Physical Characteristics:
• Color of the skin is brown with white spots ; Some white and dark brown types are also found in this breed
• Ears are moderately long and erect.
• Horns are of light brown color, moderate length, closer at the roots,
• Calves are generally brown in color. Color does not change with age as in Kangayam and Umblachery breeds.
• Animals are well built, compact and medium in size.
• Head is brownish, well-shaped, long and tapering towards the muzzle.
• Forehead is slightly prominent and has a deep furrow between the roots of horns.
• Muzzle is moderate and black in color.
• Eyes are prominent inclining backward, outward and upward with a forward curve and sharp at the tip.
• Neck is fairly long and thin.
• Hump is moderately developed in females and well developed in males.
• Dewlap is thin and short extending up to sternum only.
• Navel flap is present in many animals.
• These cattle have thin and bony limbs. Thighs are well developed. Hindquarters are well developed and slightly dropping.
• Cows have small udders applied close to the body.
• Cows are poor milker, and produce 250 to 1, 300 kg of milk in a lactation period of 270 to 310 days.
The Kenwariya are also known as Kenkatha. They get their name from the River Ken, as they are bred along the banks of this small river in the hilly area of Bundelkhand. These cattle are also bred in territories of Panna, Charkhari, Bijawar and Ajaigarh which are part of Vindhya Pradesh in India. It is similar to Malvi breed of Cows.
Physical Characteristics:
• The Kenwariya cattle are small, sturdy and fairly powerful, varying in color from gray on the barrel to dark gray on the rest of the body.
• The head is short and broad and the forehead is dished.
• Horns emerge from the outer angles of the poll in a markedly forward direction and terminate in sharp points.
• Ears are sharply pointed and do not droop.
• The body is short, deep and compact.
• The back is straight but the quarters are drooping.
• The limbs are short but powerful and the feet are hard.
• The hump is well developed. The sheath is somewhat pendulous and ends with a black tip.
• The dewlap is moderately heavy. The tail is of medium length with a black switch reaching below the hocks.
• This breed is very popular for light draft on the road and for cultivation. They are observed to thrive on poor feed.
Because of the hilly nature of the region and the poor grazing, only animals which can cover long distances and have strong feet can thrive.
Nimari breed is found in Nimar tract of Narmada valley in Madhya Pradesh comprising Khandwa, Khargon and Barwani districts.
Some animals are also found in Jalgaon district of Maharashtra. Nimari Animals are very useful and active. Bullocks are known for their draught work but cows are poor milkers. The Nimari breed has originated from crossing of the Gir and the Khillari.
Gir breed has contributed to its coat color, massive body structure and convexity of forehead, and Khillari blood to its hardiness, agility and temper.
Physical Characteristics :
• Nimari cattle are red with large splashes of white on various parts of the body.
• Head is moderately long with a somewhat bulging forehead. It is carried alertly and gives the animal a graceful appearance.
• Horns usually emerge in a backward direction from the outer angles of the poll, somewhat in the same manner as in Gir cattle, turning upward and outward and finally backward at the points.Occasionally, horns are also like those of Khillaris in size and shape, copper colored and pointed.
• Ears are moderately long and wide, but are not pendulous.
• Muzzle in many animals is either copper or amber-colored.
• Dewlap and sheath are moderately developed, though the sheath has the tendency to be pendulous.
• Hump in bulls is well developed and sometimes hangs over.
• Tail is long and thin with the black switch reaching to the ground.
• Hooves are strong and can stand rough wear on stony ground.
• Skin is fine and slightly loose.
• Cows usually have well-developed udder.
• Average milk yield is about 360 kg (range 310 to 495 kg). Average lactation length is 237 days (range 220 and 260 days).
• Milk fat is around 4.9%.
The Pilibhit district of Uttar Pradesh is the breeding tract of Ponwar cattle. The main area is the Puranpur Block in the Pilibhit district comprising Mainakot, Mazara, Bhirkhera, Faizulaganj and Rajpur Semra villages.
A few animals of this breed are also found in Lakhimpur-Kheri district of Uttar Pradesh. This breed is also known as Kabri (mixture of colors) in the breeding tract. The Ponwar seems to be small hill type breed. Critical examination of the animals reveals that this breed may be a mixture of hill and plain cattle. The landless laborers and marginal farmers mainly keep these animals. The progressive farmer keeps no animal of this breed. Purebred animals are available in the interior area of the breeding tract. The Tharu tribe is mainly involved in rearing pure Ponwar animals. Some animals have also been maintained by Pasi and Yadav communities.
Physical Characteristics
• Coat color of these animals is brown or black with white patches in varying proportions.
• Color of the muzzle, eyelids and hoofs is generally black.
• The tail switch is white in black animals and black in those having a greater proportion of white patches.
• The horns are small to medium and curve inward with pointed tips.
• The ears are small and erect with a sideways orientation and have pointed tips.
• The face is small and narrow with a slightly concave forehead, which is narrow and has a white marking.
• The body is small, compact and non-fleshy.
• The skin is tight, the dewlap is medium and the hump is small in females and developed in males.
• The tail is long and reaches to below the hock.
• Cows have small udders and milk veins are small.
• Legs are thin and straight
• The animals of this breed are aggressive.
• Milk production is about 0.5 to 2.5 kg per day for 8 to 10 (average 8.9±0.1.) months.
Khillari breed of cattle is known for quick draught capabilities of its bullocks. This breed is found in Kolhapur, Solapur, Sangli and Satara districts of Maharastra and Belgaum, Bijapur and Dharwad districts of Karnataka. This breed is seemed to have originated from Hallikar or Amrithmahal breed of cattle.
Physical Characteristics
• A typical Khillar animal is compact and tight skinned, with clean cut features.
• There is a slight rise in the level of back toward the hook bones.
• Face is lean and long with smooth, tightly drawn skin.
• Ears are small, pointed and always held sideways.
• Horns are long and pointed and bent backwards but head’s projection is forward.
• Dewlap is light with very few folds.
• Hump in male is well developed, firm and moderate size.
• Khillar bullocks are highly valued as fast powerful draught cattle, for they can travel miles without showing any sign of fatigue.
• Average milk production is 384 kg (range 240 to 515 kg).
KrishnaValley is the draught breed of cattle, having the ability to survive in extreme hot, humid climatic conditions and is capable to work well in the black cotton soil in the valleys of Krishna River in Karnataka state in India.
Currently, In the northern areas of Karanataka such as Jaamkhandi, Muthol and Athani Talukas, only few hundreds of this breed are left .
The reasons for the decline in number are selling of animals of Krishna Valley due to continuous drought in the tract and preference of the farmers for Khillari breed which is more attractive and massive in appearance resulted in lack of Krishna Valley Breeding bulls.
Physical Characteristics:
• Ears are medium sized pointing downward.
• Horns are long and pointed, extending outward.
• Hump is well developed, firm and moderate size.
Punganur breed is found in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh.
Its home tract is Punganur town of Chittoor district.
This breed was developed by Rajahs of Punganur. Hence this breed is known as ‘Punganur’. These are reared for milk. There are a very few animals left in the breeding tract. This breed is almost on the verge of extinction. These animals were used for agricultural operations on light soils.
Physical Characteristics:
• Punganur cattle are white, grey or light brown to dark brown; White mixed with red or black color animals are also available. Combination of white with brown or black patches is not uncommon.
• Skin, muzzle, eyelids and hooves are black.
• Animals of this breed are compact with comparatively tighter skin, extensive hanging dewlap, short legs, and long body with well sprung ribs.
• Forehead is concave and broad.
• Horns are black, small and crescent shaped, and often loose curving backward and forward in males and lateral and forward in females. Horns are stumpy in males and slightly longer in females. Horn length ranges from 10 to 15 cm.
• Forehead is broad and prominent. Hump is of small size in females and medium but inclined to be drooping in males.
• Bulls are more docile than females.
• Lactation milk yield is 546.0±30.6 litres (range 194 to 1, 099 litres), lactation length 263.4±16.5 days (range 98 to 445 days)
• Calving interval 452.4±18.7 (range 317 to 832 days).
• On an average, milk of Punganur cows contains 5% fat .
Nagori is a reputed breed. It is primarily reared for draught quality of its bullocks. Its home tract lies in the Nagaur district of Rajasthan in Western India. A sizable population of the breed is also found in the adjoining Jodhpur district and Nokha tehsil of Bikaner district.
The Nagori is mainly a draught breed. Its bullocks are used for transportation and in agricultural operations such as ploughing, cultivation and drawing water from well. They are usually broken for light work at about 3 years of age when they weigh around 275 kg. A pair of bullocks cost approximately Rs. 15, 000.
Physical Characteristics:
• Nagori animals are fine, upstanding, very alert and agile, and generally white or light grey. In some cases head, face and shoulder are slightly grayish.
• Eyelids are white or light grey.
• Muzzle, hooves and horns are black.
• Skin is tight and black.
• Forehead is flat and not so prominent.
• Face is long and narrow like that of horse.
• Eyelids are heavy and overhanging, whereas eyes are small, clear and bright.
• Ears are medium in size with pinkish inside.
• Horns are of medium size. They extend in an outward direction and are carried upwards with a gentle curve to turn in at points.
• Shoulder blade is prominent. Hump is well developed; back straight; legs long and straight with small, strong and compact hooves.
• Dewlap is small, fine and buttoned up with the body.
• Navel sheath is very small, tucked up with the abdomen like a button.
• Tail is high set and is of moderate length (below hock) ending in a black switch.
• Cows have small and shallow udder.
• Bullocks are big and powerful. They are capable of heavy draught work in deep sands.
• There is a tendency to lightness of bone, though feet are strong. This characteristic has given the breed its agility and ease of movement. It runs like a horse.
• Cows are poor milkers. Average milk yield is 603 kg (range 479 to 905 kg). Average lactation period is 267 days (range 237 to 299 days).
Lal/ Red Kandhari breed of cattle in purest form is found in Kandhar, Mukhed, Nanded and Biloli tehsils of Nanded district & some parts of other districts like Ahmadpur; Parli and Hingoli tehsils of Latur district; and Bid and Parbhani districts of Marathwada region.
In Kandhar tehsil the Red Kandhari breed of cattle is more common. It is said that this breed was taken up by the royal dynasty of King Somadevraya as far back as 4th Century A.D. Raja Somdeorai was the son of Raja Kanhar and ruled over Kandhar. Name “Lal Kandhari“ has been acquired due to its red color.
Physical Characteristics:
• Red Kandhari is a medium-sized, strong and robust animal.
• The body is compact, squarely built, but not massive, with well-proportionate limbs.
• The color is uniform deep dark- red, but variations from a dull red to almost dark brown are found.
• Bulls are darker than cows.
• Fore-head is broad between eyes and is slightly bulging.
• Bullocks are used for heavy work.
• Average lactation yield is 597.6±18.32 kg in a lactation period of 259.8±4.26 days.
• Average fat content in milk is 4.57±0.03% .
Lal sindhi is a distinguished milch breed of Upmahadweep.
It is mostly found in Karachi and Hyderabad districts of Pakistan. Some organized herds of this breed are also found in India in the states of Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Kerala and Assam. The original herd was established at Malir outside Karachi.
Lal Sindhi cattle are somewhat similar to Sahiwal and may also be related to Afghan and Gir cattle. Red Sindhi is one of the important dairy cattle breeds in Indian sub-continent.
Physical Characteristics:
• This breed has distinctly red color.
• Red shades vary from dark red to dim yellow. Though patches of white are seen on dewlap and sometimes on forehead, no large white patches are present on the body.
• In bulls, color is dark on the shoulders and thighs.
• Hair is soft and short, and skin is loose.
• Milk production is around 1, 840 kg(range 1, 100 to 2, 600 kg) and lactation length 296 days .
• Fat is around4.5%
The Sahiwal is one of the best dairy breeds of zebu cattle.
Though its original breeding tract lies in Montgomery (now Sahiwal) district of Pakistan, yet some herds are also found in India along the Indo-Pak border in Ferozepur and Amritsar districts of Punjab, and Sri Ganganagar district of Rajasthan.
Sahiwal breed is being utilized widely for improvement of local stock or for the purpose of initial crossbreeding. It is known to have been introduced into 17 other countries, besides Pakistan and India. These are: Mauritius, Kenya, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Brazil, Jamaica, Trinidad, Australia and New Zealand.
Physical Characteristics:
• Coat color is usually red, sometimes pale red or brown occasionally mixed with white spots is also seen.
• The Sahiwal is a heavy breed with symmetrical body and loose skin.
• Animals are long, deep, fleshy and comparatively lethargic.
• Horns are short and stumpy.
• Udder is generally large, bowl shaped, pliable, and firmly suspended from the body.
• Average milk yield is 2, 326 kg (range 1, 600 to 2, 750 kg).
• Average lactation length is 318 days (range 285 to 375 days).
• Fat is 4.8 to 5.1% (average 4.93%).
The Vechur cattle are now recognized as the smallest cattle in the world. The Vechur cow has now attracted international recognition and attention. The credit of saving the Vechur cattle from the brink of extinction goes to a conservation program undertaken by the Kerala Agriculture University (KAU). The local people preserved the purity of the breed by selective breeding. The extremely small size, low feed requirements, high disease resistance and lovable nature of the cute animals made the Vechur cattle the attractive. The dwarf cattle were well adapted for the hot, humid tropical climate of Kerala. Infant mortality has been found to be almost nil in Vechur cattle under farm conditions, quite resistant to foot and mouth disease and mastitis. Compared to crossbred cows, significantly lower incidences of respiratory infections have been reported from Vechur cattle.
The percentage of fat and total solids in the milk of Vechur cows is higher compared to crossbred cows. But a more significant aspect is the size of the fat globules. The small size of fat globules means high phospholipid content because of greater surface area. Phospholipids are important in the development of brain and nerve tissues and also play a vital role in the absorption and digestion of fat. Thus the Vechur cow milk and its products are suitable for infants and the sick.
Physical Characteristics:
• The maximum height of a Vechur cow is 91 cms. This diminutive cow, weighing on an average 107 kgs. can give an average yield of 3 litres of milk per day . Proportionate to its body weight, the Vechur cow yields maximum milk in the world.
• Vechur bulls, though small in size (maximum height at hump level 105 cms), were very strong and these lightweight animals were used for ploughing marshy paddy fields typical of Kerala.
Raath breed of cattle is found & reared in Alwar, Bainsor and Naarneel districts of Rajasthan. Pure breed of Raath cattle can be found In between Mundayad and Naarneel districts. Their maintenance cost is very less.
Physical Characteristics:
• Raath is a medium built, long but strong bodied animal
• Skin color varies from white to grey.
• In Bulls, skin color on neck and shoulders is darker than the rest of the body.
• Muzzle is broad and black in color.
• Eyes are Broad and shiny.
• Horns are small and rounded.
• Ears are small and loosely bent in downward direction.
• Neck is long and attractive.
• Hump is well developed and chest is deep and heavy
• Short tail with black ends
As the name suggests, this breed is found & reared in Bengal. This is a principal Indian cow breed known as “Dwarf community”.
Presently little info is available on this breed.
Physical Characteristics:
• Size varies from medium to short
• Hump is elevated
• Tight skin texture
• Compact & well-built body
• Forehead is flat and broad
• Horns are rounded and launched outwards
• Ears are elevated and less sharp
• Skin color is red on top and rest of the body is brown ; lower body color is white
• Udder is small and
• Legs are thin but strong
The Siri is small sized zebu cattle of hilly region and is found in upper reaches of Darjeeling district in West Bengal and Sikkim Districts in India. There are some related types of Siri cattle.
• Kachha Siri: This is a Nepal x Siri cross, and is very similar to the Siri, but is distinguished from it by the color pattern and position of hump and horn.
• Tarai: This type is found in Nepal and is sometimes referred to as Siri.
Physical Characteristics
• Animals are either black with white patches or brown with white patches. In some cases they’re totally black or brown.
• Skin is grey, and muzzle and eyelids are black.
• Tail switch is black or white and hooves are-black.
• Forehead is convex, wedge shaped with white patches.
• Horns are of medium size and curved outward, forward, slightly upward and inward with prominent hairy poll.
• Ears are of medium size and horizontal.
• Abdomen and inner part of legs are generally light in color.
• Udder is small size with firm attachment.
• Milk yield is around 2-6 kg/day with lactation length of about 210 to 274 days.
• The fat content is 2.8 to 5.5 %
Umblachery breed of cattle, one of the best draught breeds of Tamil Nadu, is found in Thanjavur & thiruvarur and Nagappattinam districts. It derives its name from its home tract, Umblachery, a small village 10 km away from Thiruthuraipoondi town in Nagapattinam district. This breed is considered to be developed by crossing Kangayam with local animals’ of Thanjavur, and is very similar to Kangayam except in the appearance of head and smaller size. These are light built draught animals developed for work in the rice fields. About 60-70% of cattle in this area belong to Umblachery breed.
Physical Characteristics:
• Umblachery calves are generally red or brown at birth with all the characteristic white markings on the face, on limbs and tail.
• This color changes to grey at about 6 months of age. In adult females, the predominant coat colour is grey with white markings on face and legs.
• Bullocks are grey in colour.
• Legs below hocks have white marks; even a portion of hooves is white.
• Forehead is fairly broad, sometimes with a slight groove in the middle.
• Face is short and straight.
• Muzzle is broad and black.
• Eyes are prominent and bright with black eyelashes.
• Ears are short, erect and laterally placed.
• Horns are very small, curving outward and inward and sometimes spreading laterally. These are thick in bulls and thin in cows.
• Hump is medium in size, not fleshy, generally erect.
• Dewlap is thin and short extending to the sternum.
• In cows, udder is moderately developed with small and squarely placed teats. Milk-vein is not prominent.
• Bullocks are small, swift and suited for agricultural operations. Umblachery bullocks are used for ploughing, carting, thrashing and paddling. The bullocks are capable of doing work for 6 to 7 hours under hot sun.
• Daily milk yield is around 2 kg. The female produces 300 to 500 liters of milk in lactation.
• On an average, milk contains 4.94± 0.06% fat Compiled and Presented By Miss Meeta Jain.